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React Native - A Framework or A Career

It would be no exaggeration to say that the mobile phone has now become an inseparable object of every individual user. When mentioning Android development or iOS development, companies often wonder in deciding whether to provide users with a top-notch UI and outstanding UX application or an application that can be compatible with multiple platforms and has the ability to develop quickly. This is the reason why React Native was born to solve this problem.

The Definition of React Native

React Native is the framework released by Facebook for building native mobile apps using Javascript to solve the problem of Hybrid's performance and cost. When having to write many native languages for each mobile platform. Using React Native to build iOS and Android applications only require javascript language.

For instance, we will build the Native application and we can also build the application in multi-platform. It is neither a "mobile web app", an "HTML5 app" nor a "hybrid app". And it not just build on either iOS or Android, we build and run both of these ecosystems.

React Native

The Market of Android and IOS

Today, we have two main competitive platforms: iOS and Android. Each of them has the power to shake the programming world. Since the tools supporting application developers were born to be able to develop each application easily such as Apple has XCode, Android has Android Studio.

However, each platform is a powerful one so they cannot play with each other. Each operation system (OS) works as an emperor in their market, eventually, programmers are the ones who incur the consequences. And that’s why Native and Hybrid App was born. To understand what React Native is, distinguishing the difference between Native and Hybrid applications is really necessary. Through that, we will know why React / React Native was born to solve the problem of mobile developers.

React Native

Native App

Native App is an easy way to understand. It is the application developed and built on the same support tools that iOS and Android developers provide to programmers, these are XCode and Android.

Programmers write it in the language that iOS and Android developers provide: iOS, currently Swift, formerly Objective C, Android currently exists in parallel with Java and Kotlin, Windowphone is C ++ or C #. Native applications are built based on their own OS's language and use the OS's built-in features. Not through either any third-party application or another engine to operate, so the speed is the fastest.

This speed includes displaying speed (smoothness) and processing speed. If you pay close attention you will see that native application’s operations such as page transfer, navigation, and page scrolling all are very smooth.

Hybrid App

It is a software program on mobile phones written based on the web platform (html5, css3, javascript), in other words, it is a combination of Web application and mobile application with the complete web application but having additional features for operating OS such as a file, camera access, GPS or sensors like gyroscope, accelerometer, … And a layer of Native application cover all of these, strikingly Phonegap/Cordova.

The web part is processed to display by webview, the system access feature is provided by API functions. The application calls function by Javascript through the API. The wrapping program Phonegap / Cordova will call directly Native to the OS. In this way, web applications have more advanced features of Native applications, and because of the built-in source code, the speed of hybrid applications is faster than web applications.

It is hard to realize which is the Native application or the Hybrid application. So in common, the users will not notice too much. However, in the developer world, with the far superior in processing speed of native application and disadvantage, the Hybrid App will either significantly affect in the performance problem or not interact with all software system resources as well as hardware. Hybrid App can hardly make heavy graphics applications like games, although it can still complete but not smooth. So almost everyone seldom uses hybrid in programming games for mobile phones (except for some simple games like puzzle, quiz solving, 2048, ...)

Therefore, the Native App is the leading choice of developers in developing mobile software. Because it brings high performance, good user experience.

Truly Disadvantages and Features of React Native

After understanding Native and Hybrid Apps, React Native is another crazy thing because of its features and advantages.

React Native

In the field of mobile development

Hot reloading, Live to reload: Live Reload is different from Hot Reloading. While Hot Reloading only reloads the function/file changes. Which is convenient to handle with UI design. But logical change sometimes it does not access update (rarely), Live Reload is the solution. It will reload the entire source code (all files in the Project).

Native application: Unlike other frameworks like Cordova. This is usually just a Webview (it is like turning on the phone application to really surf the web without the address bar on the browser, creating the illusion of using the application). React Native build a true Native application. Webviews cannot provide a user experience truly. Which only React Native can do.

Saving manpower and time: React Native helps web developers write native applications to overcome the weaknesses of web and hybrid applications. With just a proficient javascript programmer, you can fight on all fronts from the web, desktops, servers to mobile. This is not only beneficial for web developers but it also helps companies develop end-products with less manpower.

Write once, run anywhere: Coding Project with React Native can build on Android and IOS quickly and easily.

It the quite a large community: you can check hundreds of libraries from here. Besides, it has the support of Facebook, and with a quite large community working together to develop, the future will grow even more.

Background knowledge: React Native Learning does not require you to be very good or too advanced to access it. You only need to know the basics like XML, HTML, CSS or just know javascript, Java core, and whether you are a Web developer or a mobile developer can also learn React Native well.

Not hard to become a React Native Developer

In the field of career opportunities:

Because it originates from core JS, the way to expand the direction for you is extremely large and full of career opportunities with dreams about thousands of dollars that can come true. Because if you are good at React Native, you can absorb ReactJS very quickly or vice versa. Then you spend time studying NodeJS. It will be very easy to become a Full Stack Developer because it is the foundation and support each other. So the path for career opportunities is very open and really good.

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